Supporting and Enriching Our Community
Arts Culture Catawba is committed to transforming and strengthening the cultural life of our community through grants, marketing, fundraising, advocacy and education. We strive to provide awareness of the cultural activities in our area, as well as grant and contribution opportunities. Please get involved! Our arts, science, history and education groups need you!
- Granting
- Education
- Marketing
- Advocacy

Empowering Our Artists and Creatives
Through Grants and Scholarships
Arts Culture Catawba offers numerous opportunities for individuals and organizations to receive funding to promote arts, science and history. The State of North Carolina has named Arts Culture Catawba as the Designated County Partner for Catawba County. The Designated County Partner has the responsibility to redistribute funds received from the state and local governments. In addition, individuals, corporations, foundations, as well as local and state government agencies, contribute money to grants listed below. Arts Culture Catawba also strives to provide opportunities for the youth of our community.

Impact of the Arts
Economic Impact of Arts and Cultural Nonprofit Organizations and their Audiences in 2022
Number of People Who Attended Arts and Cultural Events in 2022
Total Grant Awards Given by Arts Culture Catawba in 2022-2023 Fiscal Year